Andreas Angelidakis

March 4, 2018–December 30, 2018
Schloss Freudenberg, Wiesbaden

Entering the seminar room of Schloss Freudenber in Wiesbaden begins with an experiment in which you set up your place in and with the group yourself. You go into communication about the questions: What space does our topic need? How do we face each other? How do we want to talk to each other?

The documenta14 artwork POLEMOS by the Greek artist Andreas Angelidakis opens up this possibility. 136 modules (flexible, understandable, stackable) form the elements for your individual seminar room – a new Lego (leg godt: play well).

Space and installation meet all conceivable requirements in terms of space and form of conversation, allowing up to 150 participants to work together in a circular arena and in several small, protected workshop rooms. Our seminar guests have the opportunity to create a place where their future resonates, where contemporary issues can be moved.

Everyone is encouraged to design their own space of thought and exchange. Polemos follows your call and also comes to you.