Andreas Lolis
La Vie Moderne - 13th Biennial de Lyon
September 10, 2015–January 3, 2016Lyon
Andreas Lolis is included in the 13th Biennial de Lyon, “La Vie Moderne”, curated by Ralph Rugoff.
Using the techniques of classical marble sculpture, Andreas Lolis produces replicas of veryday objects so meticulous that they are often confused with their models. Cardboard boxes and polystyrene packaging, for example, are imbued with a fresh symbolic charge that underscores their reality; as if the metaphor of artistic materials is interrupting the endlessly consumable, disposable flow of their plebeian equivalents.
Andreas Lolis has exhibited at the Athens Biennial, the Palais de Tokyo (Paris) and the Mϋnchner Kϋnstlerhaus (Munich).
La vie moderne
Permanent Residence, Création Biennale 2015
From a distance, it looks like the cardboard shelter of a homeless person. Close up, the precious, exquisitely carved marble that it is reproduces the textures, colours and shapes of the objects it imitates. Amongst the economic convulsions and political negotiations, Andreas Lolis’s sculpture seems to have taken on the role of a monument dedicated to the crisis currently affecting Greece and the Greeks. By choosing a noble material like marble to create forms that ooze poverty, Andreas Lolis has charged the reality of our contemporary world – its packaging, its residues, its chunks of polystyrene, whether manufactured or human – with obvious symbolism.
Courtesy de l’artiste et The Breeder, Athènes