Theo Triantafyllidis
Prix Ars Electronica 2022 | Honorary Mention for Computer Animation
June 22, 2022–June 22, 2022Theo Triantafyllidis received an Honorary Mention at the Prix Art Electronica 2022 for Computer Animation for his work Radicalisation Pipeline.
The Prix Ars Electronica 2022 wrote about Radicalization Pipeline:
Theo Triantafyllidis’ simulation of a high fantasy riot deploys absurdist humor towards a serious critique of new technology in the service of corporate expansion. It takes its title from the radicalization pipeline hypothesis, a concept that contemporary online media platforms drive users towards extremist political views. At first glance the intricately composed computer animation appears to be an RPG Battle Royale. Over time it reveals itself to be a work of absurdist theater set in a speculative metaverse. The rules of the performance are fuzzy, and the goals are unknown. In this absence of clear rules we indulge in a chaotic clash between orks, MAGA supporters, riot cops, furries, and antifa banding together swinging fists, flags, and axes in a seemingly endless dance of cinematic chaos.