Olga Migliaressi-Phoca_Sexist

Olga Migliaressi-Phoca_Sexist


Olga Migliaressi Phoca

SEXIST Sign, 2020

LED lightbox structure

19.5 x 48 x 6.5 cm

edition of 10 +2AP


Olga Migliaressi-Phoca‘s practice is a thought-provoking exploration of gender, identity, visual representation, and the complex interplay between subjects and objects. She usually highjacks familiar symbols of the capitalist vocabulary to push boundaries and challenge norms inviting viewers to delve into a world of reflection. Migliaressi-Phoca is inviting us to a captivating wordplay through the transformation of iconic logos in her text-based pieces. Instantly recognizable, familiar graphic marks that have become part of our language, are being revisited in stimulating twists to create new meanings and prompt introspection. Her pop aesthetic, coupled with a caustic edge, provides a critical perspective.



Olga Migliaressi Phoca

SEXIST Sign, 2020

LED lightbox structure

19.5 x 48 x 6.5 cm

edition of 10 +2AP