Georgia Sagri
NEON Exhibition: space of togetherness
September 9, 2024–October 20, 2024Drama School of the National Theatre of Greece | School of Athens – Irene Papas, Athens
NEON presents the exhibition space of togetherness, at the Drama School of the National Theatre of Greece | School of Athens – Irene Papas from 9 September to 20 October 2024, curated by Elina Kountouri.
The exhibition raises some of the most pressing issues facing Europe and the world today. The mobility of bodies, cultures, and ideas is what shapes Europe into a “space of flows”, through the interaction and exchange of cultural differences. space of togetherness is an exhibition about stories that develop in the intersection of race, politics, and rights. The exhibition will explore how preconceived ideas of racism, social mobility, and rights of migrants in contemporary society, are woven into our daily lives and how we can find a sense of belonging and learn to live and co-exist through the thoughtfulness of class, race, and gender. The strengths of individual artistic practices join forces with collective communities and artists to expose social histories that challenge stereotypes.
Participating artists & collectives | Igshaan Adams, Taysir Batniji, Enri Canaj, Marianna Christofides, Døcumatism, Mona Hatoum, Patricia Kaersenhout, Menelaos Karamaghiolis, Bouchra Khalili, Grada Kilomba, Tarik Kiswanson, Sophie Kovel, Kalliopi Lemos, Maria Loizidou, Malgorzata Mirga-Tas, Stella Nastou, Kostas Roussakis, Georgia Sagri, Antrea Tzourovits, VASKOS.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a versatile public programme bringing together various contributors, including artists, scholars, social actors, and policy makers.
In the context of space of togetherness NEON has renovated several spaces in accordance with its principle of creating and gifting infrastructure to all its selected venues and opening to the public unexpected spaces of cultural importance.
With special thanks to KJ Abudu, Assistant Curator, Public Programs and Residencies, Swiss Institute and Dr. Nadina Christopoulou, Director and Co-founder Melissa Network, for their collaboration as well as to the National Theatre of Greece for giving us access to the space of the Drama School | School of Athens – Irene Papas.
30/07/2024 – 20/08/2024
Georgia Sagri invites interested participants in a series of individual sessions as part of her work IASI. The work is included in NEON’s group exhibition space of togetherness.
IASI is her ongoing research project, part of Sagri’s artistic practice, which began ten years ago and evolves in her studio, ΥΛΗ[matter]HYLE in Athens. As part of her personal research, she conducts individual sessions with participants who have responded to an open call. These sessions are based on techniques she employs for preparation and recovery from her performances, utilizing breathing, movement, and vocal training.
The sessions take place on a specially designed soft stage, both a sculpture and a welcoming space, a kind of shell. The necessity of the “stage of recovery” stems from Georgia Sagri’s belief that “we all live our lives on stage, performing endlessly. The Stage of Recovery is a space where participants can, for a while, free themselves from the need to perform for others and themselves. There, they can feel safe and liberated from any audience.”
As part of the post-session process, Sagri uses sensory impressions of accumulated bodily experiences as references to create her works and capture the body’s memory.
The sessions are based on confidentiality and trust between the artist and the participants. They are not recorded and are not open to the public. They are conducted in a designated space at the Drama School of the National Theatre.
Those wishing to participate are invited to submit a letter of interest of approximately 200 words via email to by August 20th, stating their reasons for wanting to participate. From this process, Georgia Sagri will select ten individuals.
An important element of participation in IASI is the commitment and willingness of the participants to collaborate with the artist in developing their own recovery techniques.
Each participant will sign a collaboration agreement with the artist and will conduct three 40-minute sessions during the exhibition period, specifically from September 10th – October 18th, 2024, from Wednesday to Friday, from 12 to 3 pm.
There is no participation fee.
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